

作者:ART|发表时间:2017-09-18|阅读(575)|评论(0)| 推荐(0)





此次演讲活动邀请到美国国会图书馆亚洲部主任李华伟博士,其主讲题目为“数字化时代的国会图书馆亚洲馆藏。” 李博士的讲演将从全方位介绍国会图书馆亚洲馆的历史、组织、政策及运作来展开,尤其是当今在数字化时代亚洲馆藏书的现代化知识管理和高科技方法的运用。特别是国会图书馆作为世界第一流的图书馆,自2003年起进行的“五年发展策略”对亚洲藏书计划和数字化项目实施所取得的成果及对未来发展前景的介绍。

作为美国国会图书馆亚洲部的主任,李华伟博士拥有四十年余年的美国大学图书馆和国家图书馆的管理经验,是美国社会华裔中的杰出代表人物。他曾任职于匹兹堡大学、宾夕法尼亚大学和俄亥俄大学这些著名的高等学府图书馆。值得一提的是,他在俄亥俄大学担任了长达21年的图书馆馆长。李博士在美国图书馆界享有崇高的威望和学术权威地位,他常年被邀请到全美及亚洲各国演讲并出任学术顾问。在他的专业生涯中,被无数学术机构和国际组织多次表彰和颁发荣誉状、奖状。其中包括美国图书馆协会、亚裔图书馆协会、美国华人图书馆协会、台湾图书馆协会、中国图书馆协会、OhioLink 、 Ohionet和美国亚洲文化学院等等。 

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Hwa-Wei Lee, Chief of the Asian Division, Library of Congress will be our keynote speaker. His topic will be, "Asian Collections in the Digital Age at the Library of Congress". Dr. Lee will share his views with our members on the topic of knowledge management and its relation to the collection and application of Asian materials in this digital age of information proliferation. In addition to providing an overview of the Asian Division's history, organization, operations and policy, Dr. Lee will update us on the developments and progress of various digital projects that have been going on since the digital initiative through his "Five-year Strategic Plan" for Asian Division was put into action in 2003.

Dr. Lee has more than 40 years of experience in academic libraries including the University of Pittsburgh, University of Pennsylvania, and Ohio University, where he served for more than 21 years as the Dean of Libraries. He is a highly regarded academic in the library communities and a sought-after lecturer and consultant in US  and Asia. Throughout his long professional career, Dr. Lee has received awards for distinguished service from the American Library Association, Asian/Pacific American Librarians Association, Chinese American Librarians Association, Library Association of China (Taiwan), The Library Society of China, OhioLink, Ohionet , US Asaian Cultural Academy and others.

You are cordially invited to attend this very informative lecture: 
